To own just a little tree, all you need is a seed. As time goes on, that tree gets to be bigger and worth more. It also gives off seeds that create more trees. Those new seeds eventually give you even more seeds. To get started, you just need that first one.
Planting a seed for your future by investing in rental properties
Investing in rental properties is a lot like planting seeds. You don’t need a whole tree to start, you only need a seed. That seed is your initial equity or deposit. You can use that to acquire your first property. Just like the trees produce seeds, that first property will grow incessantly over time and will immediately start earning rental income that you can use to pay off that property and then to help purchase and pay off even more properties.
Then, just as a grove of trees multiplies and grows stronger, so will your property investment portfolio. Over time this will give you the financial security to stop having to depend on “personal exertion” i.e. your day job, to be able to support your family. Just as a grove of trees might grow and multiply while you sleep, so does a property investment portfolio.
Such a property portfolio can be used to replace the income from your day job and allow you to enjoy the things in life that you might have thought were out of reach.
By implementing the right strategies and systems, your investment in property will grow exponentially until you no longer have to worry about how to pay each month’s bills and instead you can focus on the things you enjoy.
With the right property acquisition system and structure, investors are able to stop working long hours and overtime many years before they could have otherwise.
It allows many people to stop waking up at night worrying about money. All of this is easy to implement. Once investors sit back and observe their progress over the initial years, they usually become keen to implement these systems and strategies throughout the rest of their lives.