The human race has always been wired to go without and to feel pain – for the sake of some future benefit.
It has always been the case that the future is a place with threats and danger embedded in it. That was the reason in past times for such misguided rituals as human and animal sacrifice. The future is dangerous. To offer things to the gods now is a way to buy a better and more prosperous future. The pain has to be endured now, the benefit comes later. That has always been part of the human psyche. There have always been strange rituals throughout human history. Sacrifice or compromise now for a better future – with better crops and more wealth.
In the present day, that’s what parents do when they work two jobs and go without so that their children can go to a better school. That’s why people live on noodles and sit in lecture halls for 4 years to get a university degree.
You can bargain with reality. You can forego instant gratification and it will pay off in a time and place that does not yet exist. That a bit like a miracle.
It’s not as if humans have only just discovered this. For thousands of years we have been inflicting pain on ourselves, doing rituals and sacrificing – to make the future more pain free and more comfortable.
This has been revealed in mythology and fantasy. We often don’t know why we do these things, but it is somehow embedded within us. It is even embedded in religion whereby you need to experience the pain of purgatory before you go to heaven.
In fact today’s societies only operate properly if they are set up so that the sacrifices will pay off, otherwise no-one would work.
In a stable society as we have in the western world, you can save up and store the work you do right now, sacrifice your impulses and delay self-gratification – and earn credits (money) for the future.
Now for the good news.
We no longer live in barbaric times. It is no longer necessary to endure pain in order to have a better and more prosperous life later on. Things don’t have to hurt in order to be good for you, after-all.
Luckily, along the way we also invented capitalism, and the way Canterbury Property Services operate under that system is surprising.
Canterbury Property Services have a way to enable an assured, comfortable and wealthy future without the need for compromise or sacrifice. There is a simple system and pattern that can make your future far better without the need for delayed gratification and without the need to sacrifice. All it involves is for you to keep doing what you do right now, with a slight change to your structure and the assets you hold. Accordingly, the way your money channels and flows around changes for the better.
To be precise, it’s exactly what rich people do and if you look closely at rich people, they usually seem to be pain free, don’t they?
For a quick initial talk on how this works, Canterbury are only a phone call or email away.