There are many types of investors. The “lone wolf” investor operates from his lair (usually a desk in the spare bedroom.) This type of investor hunts on the fringe of the market. They are solo and sceptical. They “know more than others” and pit their instincts against the pack. After marking out their territory, circling their prey and sniffing out the danger, they hungrily charges in for the kill–only to get it all wrong.
The investment “grapevine groupie” can be found lurking around and listening in on conversations. A grapevine groupie will nod knowingly and excitedly when a friend tells her about a great tip from his cousin, next door neighbour, or taxi driver. In the same knowing and excited manner, she will “confidentially” pass on this tip to all who will listen.
HOWEVER, real success does not come from tips or recent fads. Real success comes from betting on a sure thing.
Investing in property is that sure thing
Unlike fads and “tips,” investing in real estate is a proven and time-honoured way to start building wealth or add to your existing wealth. The concept is simple. People will always need a place to live or a place to house their office or store. By owning these buildings, you can collect a monthly rental income, starting from day one, without ever touching your original investment. The money you collect in rents can then be used to pay of investment properties and to acquire additional properties, doubling or tripling the amount of money you collect in rents each month.
Unlike many paper investments, when you own property, you’re putting your money into something solid, something tangible that you know will last. And, there’s very little risk. Historically, the value of real estate in Australia has steadily risen over time.
Betting on a sure thing can be easier than you think…
Real estate investing can take you from financially strapped to financially secure in less time than you would have thought possible. Before you realise it, you’ll have time to do those things you’ve been putting off, like going on holiday, learning to play golf or spending more time with your kids. Once you see how easy it is to make money with investment properties, and watch your progress over the initial years, it’s likely you will be keen to implement the strategy ongoingly throughout the rest of your life.