Typical Client When they first arrive

This is how a typical client looks when they first see us.

They own a $800,000 home with a $400,000 non-tax-deductible home loan, with 30 years left to pay at $2,399/month (without using our system).

You can’t get rich “losing” $2,399/ month for 30 years, then at the end of it, all you own is a house to live in. Even if they eventually sold that house for $3,000,000 they would have to buy another house.

Anyone can get rich in any western country.

But something better than the above scenario has to happen.

Non-tax-deductible debt is a cancer that has to be cut out instantly or as close to instantly as possible. Home loans and credit cards are non-tax-deductible.

To get out of the financial quagmire you have to eliminate non-deductible debt and decrease the tax you pay.

So what’s the first step to fix things?