When is a good time to start?

Median House Prices – 1970 To 2024

All capital cities over 25 years | Live progress over time

Watch how the capital gains are incessant – in both good times and in bad.

Sydney has always been the most expensive city yet watch how all of the other capital cities continually swap places behind Sydney.

Source: ABS for house prices past 2003, RBA inflation calculator, and HOUSING PRICES IN AUSTRALIA: 1970 TO 2003 by Peter Abelson and Demi Chung, Corelogic, Aussie Home Loans, Chat GPT.com.au, Neoval, NAB Commercial Real Estate seminar 3/09/24.

The best time to start is when you can. There is never a perfect time to start but you must start sometime.
As they say: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now!”

What we have learned from History

In an ideal world, you would buy every property the day before each boom began – like the below chart.

Of course that’s not realistic or possible.  And no-one knows when the next boom will begin.  We must maintain the mentality of “we are either in the boom or getting ready for the next boom’ – and buy when you can next afford it.

If we knew in 2020 what we know now, we would have bought as many properties as we could in the preceding years – like the chart below.

You can’t do all of your buying the day before the boom. In reality you must gradually acquire as many properties as you comfortably can before the boom. That’s all anyone can do.

BRISBANE Median Sale Price Houses 1970 – 2024

Price surges are marked in gold.  When will the next one be in Brisbane?  With the Olympics in 2032, we can feel a lot of gold coming our way.

The only way to be assured of catching the wave of each surge is to always own – and the more you own, the more you gain.

Try to pick a “BAD” time to buy! When is a good time to start – now or after 2032?

Source: Successful Ways, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The June 2024 quarter median house price was $979,379.


Source: CoreLogic Median values have been extrapolated based on applying the annual compounding growth in median values over the past twenty five years to current median house and unit values.