There is no such thing as standing still financially. You are either improving or failing.
If you think you are staying still, keeping your head above water, not going backwards – guess what, in real terms you are going backwards – and the speed at which that happens increases over time.
Look at it this way. Success in one dimension (whatever it might be – sport, wealth, popularity) brings more and more opportunity in that dimension. The improvements in success and opportunity in that dimension do not merely increase in a linear way, it grows exponentially. Every dimension behaves that way. An online “influencer” might start out getting one or two new followers per day, then 1000 or 2000 new followers per day – and eventually 100,000 new followers per day.
Success in all areas of human endeavour grows on itself.
For our older readers I’ll refer to Frank Sinatra, The Beatles and Elvis Presley. They all started off finding it hard to make a start and ended up with too many opportunities to even think about, let alone to accept. The world is full of good singers, but you need to make a start and build momentum before anything big happens.
Paul McCartney is still perplexed about the success of The Beatles. So little happened at the start and so much happened at the end.
Whatever dimension you are in, whenever you start to move up, you move up faster and ever faster. This also applies in the world of finance and wealth. If you own properties that give you a rental income and the values and rents increase over time, and our system eliminates the loans one at a time – eventually you have so much wealth and so many opportunities at your disposal – to build on it further, you don’t know what to do with them.
As times goes on under the Canterbury structures, the probability that you will succeed and become rich increases. And each subsequent year it becomes even more likely.
In the world of Canterbury Property Services, think of it this way. If you own properties that become ever more valuable over time, if the rents gradually ever-increase over time, if the property loans continue to be paid off, and if this process allows you to acquire ever more assets that do the very same thing – the world is your oyster.
We often meet people who still have 30 years left to pay off on their owner-occupier home loan, to be paid off when they are [say] 67 years old and are strangely somehow contented with that. In reality they are going backwards because they have no nest egg. At the checkout at Woolworths after retirement they cannot say, “I have no actual cash, but I have good equity in our home”. People of this mindset have nothing for their retirement, nothing for their twilight years, nothing to help their children or grandchildren. However, they have an already in-built a life of compromise in the possible following 30 years of life expectancy.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Under the Canterbury system, if you can alter a 30 year home loan into just 4 years, then use all of the subsequent saved years to build assets and passive incomes – you can live a better life.
This isn’t hocus-pocus. Have a look at the testimonials on our website. Some people have developed incomes enough to pay off each property in four to ten months – no misprint. It does not need to be someone else who wins the day. You need to dream that it can be you.
The files at our Sunnybank Hills office are full of the “someone else’s”. It can also be you.