Most people only grow their income and wealth in a linear manner. Their income only comes from the number of hours they spend at work. Their accumulated wealth only comes from saving up.
The answer for some people is to find ways to increase the number of hours they spend at work and/or their value per hour. Still, their income and wealth can only increase in a linear manner
There is a limit to how much you can earn in a month, there is a limit to how many hours you can work. This way of thinking limits your future possibilities to merely what you can sell your time for.
For example, if you were a gardener who earned $40/hour and you can only work 180 hours per month, your maximum income would be $7200 a month or $86,400 a year – if you took no holidays.
However if the gardener used the power of scalability to magnify and multiply his value, then he could earn 100 times more money without working.
Scalability is what separates poor people from middle class from rich to super rich. Poor people do not know what the word means. Super rich people almost have the word tattooed on their forehead. It’s the only way they know.
Many people presume the only people who can benefit from scalability are singers, movie stars and sports stars etc. That’s not the case.
Anyone in any profession can achieve scalability by the way they think and what they do. Anyone can grasp the success that scalability brings. If you know how to do that, your wealth and income will grow exponentially. The greatest success comes from when you learn how to make money without working i.e. without personal exertion.
Everyone knows the story of McDonalds. Ray Kroc the founder was never going to reach great heights by selling burgers himself in one location working 14 hours a day. Of course he eventually made a lot of money by selling burgers in 36,000 restaurants with 420,000 people doing all the work.
It doesn’t have to be world-wide to bring great benefits. Similarly the gardener above will make more money if he forgets about only earning by personal exertion and instead has 100 gardeners working for him at $30/hour while he charges them out at $40/hour.
Scalability does not just come from having businesses, it can come from what you own.
Canterbury well know that the eventual level of success is almost unlimited if you spend your life owning growth assets that go up in value and provide ever increasing rental incomes.
It is well known throughout the world that McDonalds make more money from their real estate world-wide than they do from selling the burgers.
The Canterbury stock in trade is to direct clients on how to do this – so that eventually 99% of your income and wealth creation comes from passive sources, not from working hard (not the other way around)
As Noel Whittaker says “Business is a game where the winner is the person who holds the most growth assets the longest time”.
Canterbury well know how to make the fire to catch on so that your day job gradually becomes less and less important.