Have you noticed that when a truck of pigs or chickens pulls up at traffic lights, all eyes turn away from them? Why? Because when we look into their eyes we see individuals looking back at us. When we look into their eyes we connect with them — we feel our affinity with them. When we look into their eyes we recognise their vulnerability. We feel for them… The human heart instantly responds.
Accordingly we avoid that blatant reality and look away, stare ahead or turn up the radio. The act of denial allows us to keep feeling comfortable.
It is the same with wealth and finances. Most people do not live the life they intended and do not have enough to retire on.
The fame and riches they saw as a young person did not materialise – and they well know that – but dismiss that reality and pretend not to see it.
But it still sits there, real and tangible, all through their working years and into their later years.
At Canterbury we don’t concern ourselves with the fame aspect, but we certainly involve ourselves with the wealth and finances aspect.
Even if you deny the reality of your present financial situation and a lack of plan to change it and your prospects for the future, we will not deny it, nor look away.
That’s the benefit of meeting with Canterbury. We can look the problem squarely in the eyes and work ahead with a solution and viable plan.
The chickens want to be free and deserve to be free – and so do you.