“Ninety percent of all millionaires became so through real estate.” — Andrew Carnegie
Paying hundreds of dollars of rent to a landlord each month makes it nearly impossible to get ahead financially. Plus, living in someone else’s property lacks the security of owning your own home. Why contribute to someone else’s financial dream when you could be creating your own empire?
The Canterbury Property System
At Canterbury Property Services, we have a better way to financial success than working two jobs or putting in overtime, struggling to pay your rent. We feel the answer to building wealth is owning property. Sure, someone can time their market investments just right and make money in the stock market in the short run, but for long-term financial growth and stability, no investment beats real estate.
By using equity, you can owe a home or rental property, using very little of your own money, freeing up that money you used to spend on rent to pay off credit cards bills and other non-tax deductible debt. Once you’ve paid off that debt, you can start paying down your mortgage.
Of course, why stop at owning just one property. Buying (and holding) rental properties can give you a passive income of thousands of dollars a month. In fact, several of our investors have passive incomes that exceed $20,000 to $30,000 per month. That money can be poured back into buying and paying off real estate (leveraged, of course) for an even greater monthly income. Soon you’ll have the kind of wealth that will allow your family to stop worrying about tomorrow and be able to start planning for the future.
In addition to creating passive income, owning property creates equity. Historically, property values in Australia have kept up with and even exceeded the average returns on shares and paper investments. A $400,000 property purchased today should be worth $800,000 in 7 years, based on the performance of the past 100 years. That’s why most of our investors own multiple properties. “Business is a game and the winner is the person who holds the most growth assets the longest time”. The good thing is that once you own a few properties it becomes all the easier to own a few more. Owning real estate can be like eating potato chips. It’s all but impossible to stop with just one.
Getting started on the Canterbury System
At Canterbury Property Services, we can help you set up a real estate investment plan based on your goals, the money you have to invest and your risk tolerance. Real estate investing can turn your life around and get you and your family headed for financial independence. Real estate also has the advantage of being tangible, a comforting fact in these sometimes turbulent economic times.