Think about it. People spend their lives trying to become financially strong so that they can “pick the fruit” and enjoy life during their retirement years.
But that rarely happens. It’s a life-long fallacy for nearly every person. When the time comes after 65 years of age to pick the fruit, there is no fruit.
When retirement arrives, the money stops coming in (forever), the old familiar lifestyle falls away, and the many years of compromise begins.
Most people belatedly find out that they have lived a life of pretend. The claim that “When we retire, we will travel extensively and live in Italy for 3 months every year”…….never really eventuates.
All that usually eventuates is the opportunity to “make do” for another 30 or so years and wish for your time all over again.
This chart shows the usual pattern of wealth and income creation over a lifetime.
Wealth and income gradually increase during the working years, then drops off once you leave the workforce – and the false hopes and dreams fade away at the same time.
Even people with $500,000 in superannuation only get a $25,000 annual income from it. You may as well just survive on the pension. Of course there is another way. As you know, some people are rich and most people are far from rich. Why is that?
People need to painlessly use their working years more productively – so that they accumulate assets that increase in value over their whole lifetime and simultaneously introduce ever escalating incomes. This wealth can be used to sustain and enhance your lifestyle during your working years and more so in your retirement years – because of the compounding way it works. It also allows you to retire years or even decades earlier than otherwise possible.
For 40 years Canterbury has provided a system and the methods for your wealth and passive incomes to grow exponentially during and also after your work years.
Lets face it. Most people have a real fear they will run out of money when they are too frail to earn any more – and they don’t do anything about it. That’s why you now need to “make hay while the sun shines”. Something has to happen now, to protect your future. It doesn’t work the other way around.
And to rub salt into the wound, statistics confirm that people with more wealth live significantly longer than poorer people. There really are very few benefits in remaining poor.
We don’t have the luxury of a dress rehearsal for the life we are now living. This is the one and only life. Now is the time to implement a productive proven plan. And the sooner the better because “time is money”. Even short delays make a big difference to the end result.
Allow your present working years to work for you. Don’t allow the efforts made during your life’s work to be all in vain.
Let Canterbury put our plan in place to protect the years ahead.