Sometimes the things you really believe to be true just aren’t true.
Many people find it hard to believe that it is possible to pay off a 25 year home loan in under 5 years – using less money, and that’s understandable.
However it’s important to give new ideas a chance. As they say “success never comes to those who believe all the world has to offer can be viewed from their own front porch.
Here is an example (unrelated to wealth creation), just to make the point.
Most people find no affront when they receive a fine from the local council for one reason or another. There is another way to look at it.
Malfeasance in law is: The performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified,harmful, or
contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act inviolation of a public trust).
These days, councils all around Australia issue fines for breaking their rules and regulations. That might seem fair and necessary and a way to help the world run smoothly. The problem is that in practice the management and implementation of the fines are handled by staff with no legal training and accordingly do not understand the legal ramifications of the so called fines they freely issue. Their employers don’t warn them about this incongruity. There are two problems with all of this:
1) There can be no such thing as a fine unless you have been found guilty in a Court Case.
2) All Councils in Australia are “Corporations” and such entities cannot issue fines. They can only issue invoices.
3) To issue what is really an invoice and to call it a fine is a deception.
4) The issuing of fines is outside the job description of any public servant (unless the recipient is an employee or contractor for that same Corporation)
Charges of Malfeasance can be made against any public servant who acts outside their job description and this includes the issuing of fines. Additionally, because they are acting unlawfully they automatically lose their normal legal protection in their job and could be sued personally for any damage they cause.
Before any charges can be laid out by a council in court, they need to show a “foundation of evidence”. Councils are not able to do this as they have no basis in law. In fact two referenda in Australia voted not to recognise councils. They were never given such powers in the first place because our founding fathers feared the tyranny of localised power.
There is no doubt that many public bodies over step their authority and carry out deceptive practices. They get away with it by what is called “acquiescence of the population” whereby people presume government bodies work and live by the book.
The point we are making is not to say you can park wherever you like. It is to say sometimes things in this world are not always as you might believe. All around us are things that we accept as real when we need not.
Back to the world of wealth creation, it certainly is possible to pay off properties in a few years rather than 25 years using less money than you do now. There are many self-made property owners in Australia who personally own hundreds of properties. They certainly did not start by taking 25 years to pay off the first one. We know how they do it. We do it ourselves. Do you also want to know?