Canterbury Services Blog

Cake canterbury

It’s all like baking a cake, if the recipe is correct, success is assured.          Step 1: Begin With Your First Home Start as early as possible. This will not likely be your dream home, but it’s a starting point, it is a store of wealth and a way to have a […]

Canterbury nobody will miss the boat

People who own real estate catch a free ride in the wealth creation stakes. Residential real estate prices endlessly outrun all other metrics. That’s why real estate owners get further and further ahead of the people who don’t own real estate. And the people who own a lot of real estate endlessly get further ahead of the people who own just a […]

Canterbury 2
The Haves and the Have Nots

Not long ago only 5% of the population were over 65 years old (“elderly”). Now it’s around 14%. Soon it will be 25%. Of great impact over the coming decades is the ageing population, with fewer workers available to finance the support and Centrelink benefits of the ever-aging population. Workers (younger people) are more productive […]

the perpetual punter.
The perpetual punter

There is a type of personality in the investment world called the perpetual punter. Picking winners and finding good deals is their stock in trade. They strategically scour the internet and agents windows looking for “deals of a lifetime” – that no-one else can see and that somehow magically appear exactly when the punter is […]

The mathematical madman

Red eyed with a coffee stained desk, the mathematical madman constructs ever more complicated mathematical formulas – one building impressively upon the other. The mathematical “constructs” and spreadsheets look so glorious that the path to wealth becomes clear and certain. If only normal people could see what he can see…….until reality hits and the figures […]

Pablo Picasso
It’s good to “be someone”

They say that humans are motivated mostly by two things: a) money and b) recognition – and their subconscious minds don’t care much about which one of the two they get. However, better still is to have both money AND recognition. Humans need recognition to feel accepted and to feel as if they are “someone”. […]

Being Poor is a Good Thing

Or at least starting out poor is a good thing. If you have always been rich, there is no relevance or joy to it. You have nothing to compare with. Being rich would be normal for you. Being able to pay the largest bills, enjoy the best luxuries, buy the best cars, buy the best […]

Sacrifice or not?

The human race has always been wired to go without and to feel pain – for the sake of some future benefit. It has always been the case that the future is a place with threats and danger embedded in it. That was the reason in past times for such misguided rituals as human and […]